Are there Any Sick Among You?
The most difficult case of bedbugs took 7 treatments to eradicate. Sisters were visiting other apartments for exchanges and somehow carrying bedbugs and infesting other apartments. Three of them were effected, sprayed and now none are infested!!
Clean apartments go hand in hand with mental and physical health. If the apartments are kept clean there are many less companionship problems, less health issues and overall obedience. Elder Barfuss is inspecting every single apartment himself for the New Year and challenging the missionaries to "return and report" a purified environment!!
Sister Barfuss had three sprained ankles in one week, requiring a CAM boot walker to off load and a lace up brace for sleeping. (We were running lots of miles getting these braces delivered)
Elder D. had to offload with crutches and had to change to hospital shorts to have the hard cast put on. He said, "I feel like a 'Goober' wearing these things!(He said that before we saw the box) The check out staff had a box of Goobers sitting by her desk that we borrowed for this picture, while we all enjoyed a good laugh!! After multiple appointments he had to leave the mission early for surgery for a les frank fracture, enduring three hard casts, a great deal of pain using crutches, keeping the missionary schedule. Elder D would call almost every day with pain, discomfort, swelling etc.
Elder B and Elder D were in our apartment complex. Elder B and Elder C were 2 of our favorites too
Elder C and Elder B learned to knit on P-day, at the library. Elder C knitted two wash
clothes for his Mom and Gma.
He was super healthy eating tofu, almonds and kale!! (his mom called him her hippy)
Sister P and Sister G were wonderfully obedient to bed bug protocol and f/u health issues. We loved them both!!
Elder H had a miracle healing when he was obedient |
Elder H, one of many poison ivy cases |
(IBS, Lyme's disease worries(negative), dog bites, bed bug bites, anxiety and depression mgmt, Drs.
Chronic Dx management, specialists, working with Area Medical Authority, S. P and AMHA, Dr. O)
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