Zone Conference with Elder Klebingat
Instead of 5 Zone Conferences, we had two(Inverness and Gardendale) with Elder Klebingat. President Sainsbury picked him up at the airport Wednesday night, took him to dinner and to his

hotel. I enjoyed sitting at his table and finding out he and his wife have three children and he served his mission in Colorado, but grew up in Germany. He was a Mission President and a Stake President in the past. He instructed President and Sister Sainsbury on the car rides to and from Tupelo's Stake Conference and had a very open and matter of fact style.
President Ballard assigns President Klebingat and delegates to him the Apolstolic keys to function. He said, "The Lord does not waste time, He has high expectations and is focused. The Lord loves you and when we don't talk about things or address issues it is a selfish thing to protect ourselves. We lack courage and say, "I was afraid to hurt feelings!" This is self preservation and not living the truth. There are a small group of missionaries that are angels with their wings clipped a little. The larger group of missionaries bump up against the natural man and struggle, but are trying to do right. Then there is a smaller group who "dare you to teach them something" and show up, but are not SERVING the Savior. They act and look the part, but "their hearts are far from Me." My expectations of hope are that you have a heart that is ready to learn. I hope you feel alittle oops, sting!! President Benson, said, "Hit pigeons will always flutter. Christ offers his armor and Satan also will give us armor. It is usually PRIDE!!
John 8:32 tells us "The Truth shall make us free." When you have your own spiritual experience, you just KNOW and are safe and will stay firm, no matter what anyone says."Not withstanding the many revelations and seen angels and heard the voice of the Lord, I could not be shaken." President Neslon gave us a wonderful talk on revelation. There is a Prophet in Israel!! "What will your seeking open for you? Humble yourselves before God, Pour out your heart to Heavenly Father, Write thoughts that come to your mind, write them down and follow up with action." President Nelson says, "You will grow in revelation! Tap into Heaven." Elder Maxwell said ,"Don't write checks with your mouth that your actions won't pay." The Lord will not interfere with agency!!
We are accountable for our actions. Acts 5:1 the law of Consecration and Ananius and his wife sold some land and held back a part and both lied, then died. Any time we lie to ourselves or others, the Holy Ghost will warn us multiple times. There are spiritual tracings that are all recorded in the perfect record of life and we will stand to be judged before the Savior. No amount of rationalization, excuses, pointing fingers will spare us from ourselves. We believe in a God of second chances who will always have his arm stretched out still.
You are one of the noble and great ones who are fulfilling a pre-mortal commitment to gather Israel. From the very beginning of the restoration, the Lord commanded those early struggling Saints to go the the British Isles and other places that gathered the Ephraim lineage. Serving your mission is fulfillment of that promise in the Covenant. There is no mistake that the Savior has been directing this work the entire time.
Elder Klebingat was assigned to fly to Florida with Elder Stevenson, on short notice after the school shootings. One LDS girl lost her life and the other was in critical condition after four bullets shattered five ribs, a lung and one exited out her arm. She was on life support and not expected to live. Elder Stevenson went to a quiet place to pray regarding the will of the Lord. In the blessing, he blessed every organ and part of this girl's body. She recovered in a short time and was released from the hospital with her arm still in a sling. Elder Klebingat said he sees miracles happening every day, just like when the Savior walked the earth.
The eight hour Zone Conference was a Spiritual High point as the room felt like we were on a mountain, sitting on holy ground. All of us were spiritually fed and did not want the experience to end. I had to take a Sister to a Dr. appointment and missed most of the afternoon, but Elder Barfuss was able to stay and enjoy it and later tell me about it.

hotel. I enjoyed sitting at his table and finding out he and his wife have three children and he served his mission in Colorado, but grew up in Germany. He was a Mission President and a Stake President in the past. He instructed President and Sister Sainsbury on the car rides to and from Tupelo's Stake Conference and had a very open and matter of fact style.
President Ballard assigns President Klebingat and delegates to him the Apolstolic keys to function. He said, "The Lord does not waste time, He has high expectations and is focused. The Lord loves you and when we don't talk about things or address issues it is a selfish thing to protect ourselves. We lack courage and say, "I was afraid to hurt feelings!" This is self preservation and not living the truth. There are a small group of missionaries that are angels with their wings clipped a little. The larger group of missionaries bump up against the natural man and struggle, but are trying to do right. Then there is a smaller group who "dare you to teach them something" and show up, but are not SERVING the Savior. They act and look the part, but "their hearts are far from Me." My expectations of hope are that you have a heart that is ready to learn. I hope you feel alittle oops, sting!! President Benson, said, "Hit pigeons will always flutter. Christ offers his armor and Satan also will give us armor. It is usually PRIDE!!
John 8:32 tells us "The Truth shall make us free." When you have your own spiritual experience, you just KNOW and are safe and will stay firm, no matter what anyone says."Not withstanding the many revelations and seen angels and heard the voice of the Lord, I could not be shaken." President Neslon gave us a wonderful talk on revelation. There is a Prophet in Israel!! "What will your seeking open for you? Humble yourselves before God, Pour out your heart to Heavenly Father, Write thoughts that come to your mind, write them down and follow up with action." President Nelson says, "You will grow in revelation! Tap into Heaven." Elder Maxwell said ,"Don't write checks with your mouth that your actions won't pay." The Lord will not interfere with agency!!
We are accountable for our actions. Acts 5:1 the law of Consecration and Ananius and his wife sold some land and held back a part and both lied, then died. Any time we lie to ourselves or others, the Holy Ghost will warn us multiple times. There are spiritual tracings that are all recorded in the perfect record of life and we will stand to be judged before the Savior. No amount of rationalization, excuses, pointing fingers will spare us from ourselves. We believe in a God of second chances who will always have his arm stretched out still.
You are one of the noble and great ones who are fulfilling a pre-mortal commitment to gather Israel. From the very beginning of the restoration, the Lord commanded those early struggling Saints to go the the British Isles and other places that gathered the Ephraim lineage. Serving your mission is fulfillment of that promise in the Covenant. There is no mistake that the Savior has been directing this work the entire time.
Elder Klebingat was assigned to fly to Florida with Elder Stevenson, on short notice after the school shootings. One LDS girl lost her life and the other was in critical condition after four bullets shattered five ribs, a lung and one exited out her arm. She was on life support and not expected to live. Elder Stevenson went to a quiet place to pray regarding the will of the Lord. In the blessing, he blessed every organ and part of this girl's body. She recovered in a short time and was released from the hospital with her arm still in a sling. Elder Klebingat said he sees miracles happening every day, just like when the Savior walked the earth.
The eight hour Zone Conference was a Spiritual High point as the room felt like we were on a mountain, sitting on holy ground. All of us were spiritually fed and did not want the experience to end. I had to take a Sister to a Dr. appointment and missed most of the afternoon, but Elder Barfuss was able to stay and enjoy it and later tell me about it.
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