Wonderful Week

Last Sunday Birmingham was apart of a Southern Conference of 108 Stakes where the first part was a local talk and then a SLC broadcast was sent via satellite. The Stake President spoke about his experience of respectful sharing the Gospel with a Muslin consultant who reciprocated. Later he told Steve and I about his father, a Baptist minister and his mother, a strong Catholic, who joined the church when they saw a TV show that peeked their interest. The missionaries taught them and united the family.
During the broadcast Sister Nel Marriot spoke about patiently waiting to share the Gospel with her mother for over 47 years. She wrote her testimony for a publication and mailed it to her mother, who was completely receptive in her 90's. She spoke about the virtue of patience and it's lessons.
Elder Bednar spoke about growing closer to the Savior by repentance. Taking inventory of ourselves and seeking for personal revelation to rid ourselves of things standing in our way of progress.
Our Branch President and his wife, McCorkles opened their home in Anniston for the 6 young missionaries and the branch members for lunch of soup and sandwiches and visiting. It was such a lovely day to have time to enjoy everyone after the wonderful conference.
Tuesday we listened to our new Prophet, President Nelson introduce his new counselors President Eyring and President Oaks on the church website from the Temple. He counseled us to stay on the covenant path. We are amazed he is 93 years old and he looks so vibrant!!
This Saturday, All the ABM missionaries had a morning conference with Elder and Sister Anderson, Elder and Sister Costa and Elder and Sister Alba. It was so fun to have all the missionaries together. This was the first time we have experienced the sweetness and vital energy of everyone in the same place waiting to be instructed by one of the twelve apostles. It truly was a day to remember. Everyone filed through and was able to shake the hands of all these great men along with President Sainsbury, President Ford and President Muck.
Elder Anderson bore a powerful testimony and was very candid with everyone. Several times he had us laughing and then had to reign everything in. President Anderson said the veil was very thin and he had a sure knowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ lives and directs His church, that President Nelson has been prepared to be Prophet through all the tutoring of his previous service. He gave his sure witness that Joseph Smith was a true prophet who translated the Book of Mormon for the restoration of Christ's true church on earth today. He expressed love from President Nelson, the twelve and witnessed of Jesus Christ love for each of us.
Elder Neil Anderson spoke of memorizing 10 scriptures from the New Testament and 10 from the Book of Mormon that we choose personally and get into our minds and hearts. When struggles come later our minds are prepared.
When a returned missionary lost his faith while reading something on the internet about Joseph Smith, Elder Anderson asked him, "Where do you stand on Jesus Christ?" Elder Anderson said, "He wasn't sure even about his testimony of Jesus Christ. I told him to join the Catholics, or other faiths and build the kingdom. But when this happens, they can never join another church and be satisfied because they have been exposed to the restored Gospel with all the keys and privileges. Nothing else measures up and they always will come away wanting. Stay true and honor your covenants, so you can be blessed and inherit eternal life."
Sister Anderson bore a strong testimony of accompanying her husband on over a thousand talks and the gifts of the Spirit that come with the mantle of his apostleship. He will change his talk or quote a scripture that she knows will benefit someone seeking answers. She can detect in his stature and voice the changes that come when he is testifying.
In Sylacauga Branch today the Anderson family all gave talks. They shared some of their life's story, answers to prayer, listening to the Spirit and waiting on the Lord's time to direct our lives. Each of the children spoke on preparing for a mission, the love of God and sharing the Book of Mormon. This was so fun, because they had managed Badger Creek OEFY and Natalie and Bryce both worked for them. When Elder Barfuss introduced himself Sister Anderson made the connection.
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