Happy Halloween Miracles
Today is Halle's 3rd birthday and what a cute little spook she is becoming!! Kaitlin is dressed up like Thelma from "Scooby doo" and Niki's carved pumpkin We took the photos from face time chats. Other photos are the total of my Halloween decorations and some fun we saw on our travels. Niki texted the above photo or her darlings on Halloween.
There are some miracles that are very inspiring about the work moving forward.
One miracle was from a Sister missionary who had struggled in the beginning, but is totally focused and successful in her missionary calling. She was a forest fire fighter before her mission and a self starter. She has 8 people committed to baptism and one was a quadriplegic lady who was really worried about getting in and out of the baptismal font. The missionaries did a "dry run" at the Stake Center and it was so difficult getting her out of the font that she refused to be baptized.
Sister Jones met this women while she was taking her morning walks and they became really great friends. The lady had to give up 5 beers a day, green tea, two packs of cigarettes and get married to her boyfriend of 25 years. She was receiving over $300.00 a month from her first husband's social security that would be gone once she married again. It was a great deal of sacrifice to be ready for baptism!! Elder Jones agreed to pass back through town to baptize her after visiting their Florida daughter. They didn't know about all the difficulties leading up to the only day Jones would be in town.
This Amazing Sister missionary contacted the local fire department and asked for their help. When the plan was shared with this sweet investigator, she agreed to be baptized!! The firemen are planning to use a stock tank and a hoist in the church parking lot, to get the job done!!! The brother hood among firemen is like law enforcement, they support one another!! President Sainsbury was so impressed with this Sister's ability to "think outside the box" and facilitate difficult situations to great success. Hearing him relate the story at our leadership meeting had all of us in tears!!
The follow up to this story came forward during the next Zone Conference. The Sister missionaries had to have the Branch President's help to purchase a stock tank(later they returned it for a full refund) and a member haul it to the back of the church. When they began filling it, there was a three inch leak along the seam line of the tank. A sister in the group pulled tuck tape out of her purse and they dried off the area and duck taped both sides and it held!! The missionaries started a bucket brigade to get hot water to the tank, when Elder Jones drove up and said, "You don't need to do that, This building has a hot water spigot on the outside of the building!" Not even the Branch President knew there was a hot water source!! Some hoses were hooked up and everything was ready. There was a brief song and prayer. The firemen lifted her into the tank and took their hats off. Elder Jones kneeled on the outside of the stock tank, layed the lady backward into the water from a sitting position to baptize her. The women was so thankful to be baptized!! Later that night the Branch held a meeting for the lady honoring her baptism.
Another missionary miracle was a set of Sisters who were taking trick or treat candy to less actives to invite them to "Trunk or Treat" at the church for Halloween. The family they went to visit wasn't home, so they felt impressed to visit another lady two miles away. When the Sister missionaries arrived, the lady opened up the door saying, "You are an answer to my prayers!! Come In, Come In!!! I know God sent you to me because of my prayers last night. My son is dating a girl that really is discouraged and doesn't see any meaning in life. I told her she needs to listen to the missionary discussions and it will give her hope. During my night time prayers, I asked God to please send the missionaries TODAY because we need them. I didn't call anyone, I just depended on God answering my prayers and here you are!!!"
President Sainsbury related another miracle. The Elders were talking to an man who wanted them to come again, but when they went to his apartment, no one was home. They knocked on the neighbor's door and asked if she knew this man, her neighbor? She said, "He is my father and lives clear on the other side of town." It turned out that in the Hispanic culture, saving face is worth more than we realize. The man had given a false address to the missionaries, changing the numbers of the door, because it was the only one that came to his mind at the time (daughter). After the missionaries found the man, he and his daughter both received the missionary discussions and were baptized!!

There are some miracles that are very inspiring about the work moving forward.
One miracle was from a Sister missionary who had struggled in the beginning, but is totally focused and successful in her missionary calling. She was a forest fire fighter before her mission and a self starter. She has 8 people committed to baptism and one was a quadriplegic lady who was really worried about getting in and out of the baptismal font. The missionaries did a "dry run" at the Stake Center and it was so difficult getting her out of the font that she refused to be baptized.
Sister Jones met this women while she was taking her morning walks and they became really great friends. The lady had to give up 5 beers a day, green tea, two packs of cigarettes and get married to her boyfriend of 25 years. She was receiving over $300.00 a month from her first husband's social security that would be gone once she married again. It was a great deal of sacrifice to be ready for baptism!! Elder Jones agreed to pass back through town to baptize her after visiting their Florida daughter. They didn't know about all the difficulties leading up to the only day Jones would be in town.
This Amazing Sister missionary contacted the local fire department and asked for their help. When the plan was shared with this sweet investigator, she agreed to be baptized!! The firemen are planning to use a stock tank and a hoist in the church parking lot, to get the job done!!! The brother hood among firemen is like law enforcement, they support one another!! President Sainsbury was so impressed with this Sister's ability to "think outside the box" and facilitate difficult situations to great success. Hearing him relate the story at our leadership meeting had all of us in tears!!
The follow up to this story came forward during the next Zone Conference. The Sister missionaries had to have the Branch President's help to purchase a stock tank(later they returned it for a full refund) and a member haul it to the back of the church. When they began filling it, there was a three inch leak along the seam line of the tank. A sister in the group pulled tuck tape out of her purse and they dried off the area and duck taped both sides and it held!! The missionaries started a bucket brigade to get hot water to the tank, when Elder Jones drove up and said, "You don't need to do that, This building has a hot water spigot on the outside of the building!" Not even the Branch President knew there was a hot water source!! Some hoses were hooked up and everything was ready. There was a brief song and prayer. The firemen lifted her into the tank and took their hats off. Elder Jones kneeled on the outside of the stock tank, layed the lady backward into the water from a sitting position to baptize her. The women was so thankful to be baptized!! Later that night the Branch held a meeting for the lady honoring her baptism.
Another missionary miracle was a set of Sisters who were taking trick or treat candy to less actives to invite them to "Trunk or Treat" at the church for Halloween. The family they went to visit wasn't home, so they felt impressed to visit another lady two miles away. When the Sister missionaries arrived, the lady opened up the door saying, "You are an answer to my prayers!! Come In, Come In!!! I know God sent you to me because of my prayers last night. My son is dating a girl that really is discouraged and doesn't see any meaning in life. I told her she needs to listen to the missionary discussions and it will give her hope. During my night time prayers, I asked God to please send the missionaries TODAY because we need them. I didn't call anyone, I just depended on God answering my prayers and here you are!!!"
President Sainsbury related another miracle. The Elders were talking to an man who wanted them to come again, but when they went to his apartment, no one was home. They knocked on the neighbor's door and asked if she knew this man, her neighbor? She said, "He is my father and lives clear on the other side of town." It turned out that in the Hispanic culture, saving face is worth more than we realize. The man had given a false address to the missionaries, changing the numbers of the door, because it was the only one that came to his mind at the time (daughter). After the missionaries found the man, he and his daughter both received the missionary discussions and were baptized!!
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